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  2 Nguoi Linh- 2 Truyen Thong- 1 Hon Le
  Bo Tat Van Thu Su Loi
  Buddhists sow seeds with youth to protect faith in U S
  Corydon II Final
  Good karma for Forest Park Students
  Interfaith gathering marks war-seek peace
  New Chaplancy program at Harrison County Hospital
  Our Best Wishes-Corydon Democrat Newspaper
  Our Best Wishes-Corydon Democrat Newspaper
  Prayer of a Buddhist Monk- Wisdom for all
  Rev. Thich Hang Dat and Indiana Governor Joe Kerman-09-28-2003
  Rev. Thich Hang Dat Gave a Prayer at Harrison County Council meeting
  Tim Ve Phuong Dong
  Tu-vien Van Phat Danh Chuyen Cho Hon Dan Toc
  TV series of Indiana First Lady-Corydon Democrat News
  TV series of Indiana First Lady-Corydon Democrat News
  Two Traditions. One Marriage