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  3 refugees
  5 precepts-basis
  A Fistful of Sand
  Ajaniya Sutta
  Andhakavinda Sutta
  Aputtaka Sutta
  buddhism-ethical tension
  buddhism-ethical tension02
  buddhism-mercy killing
  Buddhism and Peace
  Buddhism and the Morality of Abortion
  Buddhism in Myanmar
  Cunda Sutta
  Dasadhamma Sutta
  Duties of the Sangha
  Eight Revered Conditions-bhishuni
  Extramarital sex hazardous to health
  Ganakamoggallana Sutta
  Going Forth
  Haliddakani Sutta
  Kasi Bharadvaja Sutta
  Nissaraniya Sutta
  Pinda Sutta
  Ratthapala Sutta
  Samaññaphala Sutta
  Sankha Sutta
  Saraniya Sutta
  Sona Sutta
  steal offense
  The Autobiography of a Forest Monk
  The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee
  The Bhikkhus
  The Blessings of Pindapata
  The Buddhist Monastic Code I
  The Buddhist Monastic Code II
  The Buddhist Monk
  The Economy of Gifts
  The Heart Awakened
  The Triple Gems-5 precepts
  Things as They Are
  Vatta Khandhaka
  Vinaya Pitaka