Below is a complete breakdown of results from state survey.

State Name3-8 TestHigh School TestExit Exam?Notes
Alabama3-8 Test: ScantronHigh School Test: pre-ACT, ACT, ACT WorkKeysExit Exam? No 
Alaska3-8 Test: Performance Evaluation for Alaska's Schools (PEAKS)High School Test: PEAKSExit Exam? No 
Arizona3-8 Test: AZMeritHigh School Test: AZMerit end-of-course exam or substitutesExit Exam? NoNotes: Districts may substitute other tests, such as SAT, ACT, IB or AP, for high school AZMerit.
Arkansas3-8 Test: ACT AspireHigh School Test: ACT AspireExit Exam? NoNotes: All districts must offer ACT, but students not required to participate.
California3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter BalancedExit Exam? No 
Colorado3-8 Test: Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)High School Test: PSAT, SATExit Exam? NoNotes: CMAS is a mix of questions developed by Colorado and by PARCC/New Meridian.
Connecticut3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: SATExit Exam? No 
Delaware3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: PSAT, SATExit Exam? No 
District of Columbia3-8 Test: PARCCHigh School Test: PARCC, SATExit Exam? No 
Florida3-8 Test: Florida Standards Assessments (FSA)High School Test: FSAExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass exit exams or achieve specified scores on ACT or SAT.
Georgia3-8 Test: Georgia MilestonesHigh School Test: Georgia Milestones end-of-course examsExit Exam? No 
Hawaii3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter Balanced, ACTExit Exam? No 
Idaho3-8 Test: Smarter Balanced High School Test: Smarter Balanced, SAT or ACTExit Exam? No 
Illinois3-8 Test: PARCCHigh School Test: PSAT, SATExit Exam? No 
Indiana3-8 Test: ILEARNHigh School Test: ISTEP+Exit Exam? Yes 
Iowa3-8 Test: Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)High School Test: ISASPExit Exam? No 
Kansas3-8 Test: Kansas Assessment Program (KAP)High School Test: KAPExit Exam? No 
Kentucky3-8 Test: Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP)High School Test: K-PREP, ACTExit Exam? No 
Louisiana3-8 Test: Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP)High School Test: LEAP end-of-course testsExit Exam? YesNotes: LEAP is a mix of questions designed by Louisiana and by PARCC/New Meridian. Students may substitute WorkKeys for ACT.
Maine3-8 Test: Maine Educational Assessment (MEA)High School Test: SATExit Exam? No 
Maryland3-8 Test: PARCCHigh School Test: PARCCExit Exam? Yes 
Massachusetts3-8 Test: Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)High School Test: MCASExit Exam? Yes 
Michigan3-8 Test: Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP), PSATHigh School Test: PSAT, SAT, ACT WorkKeysExit Exam? NoNotes: M-STEP includes Michigan-designed questions and the Smarter Balanced test.
Minnesota3-8 Test: Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA)High School Test: MCA Exit Exam? No 
Mississippi3-8 Test: Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP)High School Test: MAAP, ACTExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass MAAP end-of-course exams, or use other options, including achieving specified scores on the ACT or grades in dual-credit courses.
Missouri3-8 Test: Missouri Assessment Program (MAP)High School Test: MAP end-of-course testsExit Exam? No 
Montana3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: ACT Exit Exam? No 
Nebraska3-8 Test: Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System (NSCAS)High School Test: ACTExit Exam? No 
Nevada3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: ACTExit Exam? No 
New Hampshire3-8 Test: New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System (NHSAS), *Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE) (some districts)High School Test: SATExit Exam? NoNotes: *11 districts give NHSAS in grades 3-4 and 6-8, and use locally designed performance assessments (PACE) in other tested grades.
New Jersey3-8 Test: PARCC High School Test: PARCCExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass PARCC or use other options, including achieving specified scores on the ACT or SAT.
New Mexico3-8 Test: PARCC High School Test: PARCCExit Exam? Yes 
New York3-8 Test: New York State AssessmentsHigh School Test: Regents ExaminationsExit Exam? Yes 
North Carolina3-8 Test: North Carolina End-of-Grade TestsHigh School Test: North Carolina End-of-Course Tests, ACTExit Exam? NoNotes: WorkKeys required of students completing career-technical education courses of study.
North Dakota3-8 Test: North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA)High School Test: NDSAExit Exam? NoNotes: Students must take ACT or WorkKeys. Districts may substitute ACT for state high school test.
Ohio3-8 Test: Ohio's State TestsHigh School Test: OST end-of-course exams, ACT or SATExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass end-of-course exams, or achieve specified scores on other tests, such as ACT or SAT.
Oklahoma3-8 Test: Oklahoma School Testing ProgramHigh School Test: ACT or SATExit Exam? NoNotes: Districts choose between ACT and SAT.
Oregon3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter BalancedExit Exam? No 
Pennsylvania3-8 Test: Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)High School Test: Keystone end-of-course testsExit Exam? No 
Rhode Island3-8 Test: Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS)High School Test: PSAT, SATExit Exam? No 
South Carolina3-8 Test: SCReady High School Test: end-of-course tests, Ready to Work Exit Exam? No 
South Dakota3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter BalancedExit Exam? No 
Tennessee3-8 Test: TNReadyHigh School Test: TNReady end-of-course tests, ACT or SATExit Exam? NoNotes: Districts choose between ACT or SAT.
Texas3-8 Test: State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)High School Test: STAAR end-of-course testsExit Exam? Yes 
Utah3-8 Test: Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE)High School Test: Utah Aspire Plus, ACTExit Exam? NoNotes: Utah Aspire Plus blends Utah-developed items and items from ACT Aspire.
Vermont3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter BalancedExit Exam? No 
Virginia3-8 Test: Standards of Learning (SOL)High School Test: SOL end-of-course examsExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass SOL exams or achieve specified scores on other tests, including ACT, SAT, AP or IB.
Washington3-8 Test: Smarter BalancedHigh School Test: Smarter BalancedExit Exam? YesNotes: Students must pass Smarter Balanced, or use other options, including achieving specified scores on ACT, SAT, AP or IB.
West Virginia3-8 Test: West Virginia General Summative AssessmentHigh School Test: SATExit Exam? No 
Wisconsin3-8 Test: Wisconsin ForwardHigh School Test: ACT Aspire, ACT, ACT WorkKeysExit Exam? No 
Wyoming3-8 Test: Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP)High School Test: WY-TOPP, ACTExit Exam? No 
Source: Education Week