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3 Hours:
Topic: Part 1, Chapter 2. The Career of Siddhartha-II and Chapter 3. New Community I.
Reading: Read pages 46-55.
Learning Objective:
The Buddha’s missionary works and the continuity and the spread of his newly established religious community after his death.
- The Buddha’s missionary works; Here is the video clip about "The Buddha’s missionary works"
- Buddha’s daily activities; Here is the video clip about "Buddha’s daily activities"
- Buddha’s miracles;
- Two of his primary disciples; Here is the video clip about "Two of his primary disciples"
- His great monastic disciples; Here is the video clip about "His great monastic disciples"
- His important lay supporters;
- His important royal supporters;
- His main opponent; Here is the video clip about "His main opponent"
- His first Buddhist nun follower;
- His last meal; Here is the video clip about "His last meal"
- The division of his relics; andHis final awakening. Here is the video clip about "The division of his relics; andHis final awakening"
- How people through many centuries depict him.
- The continuity and the spread of his newly established religious community after his death.
- The creation of the Buddhist councils; Here is the video clip about "The creation of the Buddhist councils"
- Structure of the Buddhist monastic function;
- Regulation of the sangha (monastic community);
- Early Buddhist lay community;
- Early Buddhist emperors;
- The conversion of Emperor Asoka; Here is the video clip about "Emperor Asoka"
- Asoka’s devotion to the cause and the spread of Buddhism; and
- Asoka’s death and legacy.
Lecture: Listen and watch the selected lectures