Event Detail


Buddhism 101-An Introduction to Buddhism

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03/22/2023 - 04/19/2023
     06:30 PM - 08:30 PM EST

Buddha Blessed Temple: 7748 3rd Street Rd., Louisville, KY 40214


In a global society nowadays, Buddhism is a growing religion in the West due to its great spiritual and ethical influences on human beings. According to the most recent scholarship, even it is an ancient tradition, it is a thrilled and practical religion. Serving as an alternative way of life to the materialism of the modern age, it offers an ancient insight into human existence to encourage people to rediscover their humane and spiritual values that might not have been emphasized much in Western traditions.
This course will provide a basic understanding of the teachings and practices of Buddhism. It will deal with important issues situated within the broader Indian historical contexts. The course begins with the life of the Buddha, the early teachings, including Four Noble Truths and Eight-Fold Paths. The course then progresses to discuss the Buddhist views on karma and cycle of rebirths. It will also explore its major branches. The final section takes a brief look at the Buddhist perspectives on modern issues.

Lesson 1 (03/22): Who Was the Buddha?
This lesson will examine some of the facts and legends about the life of the Buddha.

Lesson 2 (03/29): The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
This lesson will examine the basis of Buddha's teaching of the Four Noble Truths, the core philosophy and practice of Buddhism, and the structure and sequence of the Eightfold Path to Enlightenment.

Lesson 3 (4/05): Karma and Cycles of Rebirth
This lesson will explore the topic of Karma and the Buddhist view of the cycle of rebirth.

Lesson 4 (04/12): Roots and Branches
This lesson discusses the philosophical differences between the Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.

Lesson 5 (04/19): Modern Buddhism
This lesson will examine the impact of Buddhism on modern life and its perspectives on global issues: LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive justice, gender equality, disinformation, freedom of press, violence, pollution, poverty, terrorism, climate change, food insecurity, global cooperation.

Learning Outcomes
By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
• Summarize who Buddha is.

• Describe The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, the Eightfold Path, and the Five Precepts.

• Define karma and cycle of birth.

• Describe roots and branches of Buddhism.

• Define modern Buddhist perspectives on global issues.

Date: 5 Wednesdays (03/22; 03/29; 04/05; 04/12; 04/19).

Time: 6:30-8:30 PM.

Cost: $50.00 (suggested donation).

We accept Zelle (812-225-0228), Cash, or Check (payable to the Buddha Bless Temple).

Dr. Trung Huynh (Thich Hang Dat) obtained a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering at Penn State University, and a M.A degree and a Ph.D. degree in Religious Studies at University of the West, California. Currently, he is teaching Buddhism, Buddhist Meditation, Mindfulness Practice, and Asian Religions at the University of Houston and Indiana University Southeast.

Please call (812-225-0228) or email ( if you have any further inquiry about this course.