Event Detail


Invitation Parents’ Appreciation Celebration

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09/03/2023 - 09/03/2023
     10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Buddha Blessed Temple
Tu Viện Vạn Đảnh II


We would like to invite you and your family to attend our Parents’ Appreciation Day on Sunday, September 03 of 2023, starting from 10:00AM at our center.
Regarding our mother’s kindness, the Inspirational Quotes on Mother’s Day mentioned: “Nobody knows of the work it makes, to keep the home together, nobody knows of the steps it takes, nobody knows-but Mother.” Sigmund Freud, a great psychologist stated: “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection,”. Indeed, our parents’ loving us is like the breathing. Indeed, there is no way we can ever repay our parents for the one gift they gave us, the gift of life and even their own life.
Their hard works manifest in food, shelter, gifts, and other necessities. Also, our parents have worked hard to bring us up to become a self-sufficient adult. They have made many sacrifices to ensure that we would be able to take up every opportunity that comes our way to enhance the quality of our life. When we start having to make our own decisions about finances, food, relationships, and health, we would realize the extent of our parents input to date.
Besides our biological parents and relatives, the Buddha reminds us that we should consider all men as our brothers and/or fathers and all women as our sisters and/or mothers. As a result, we would like to invite you and your family to join this Parents’ Appreciation Celebration starting from 10:00 A.M on September 03 of 2023, at our temple to commemorate and appreciate the loving-kindness and compassion of our grandparents, parents, and relatives, as well as people from all walks of life that love, support, and care for us in every moment of life. We will have children performance and refreshment afterward.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at this special celebration.

Rev. Thich Hang Dat